Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tiger's Back and Marketers Couldn't be Happier

Sports 101: He is a sports marketers dream!

Let's way the pro's and con's of Tiger Woods' return to the PGA Tour. With the exception that other golfers had a shot to win a tournament, there are no cons to Mr. Woods return.

Darren Rovell Reporting:

According to today's Wall Street Journal's Suzanne Vranica Nielson ratings saw a 47 % drop in viewership of golf during Woods' rehab from knee surgery. Also, companies such as Nike, PepsiCo and General Electric are going to be using Woods' return to pioneer their reign atop the sports marketing world.

Gatorade is running a print ad in Sports Illustrated, Pepsi is relaunching its Tiger Focus drink, and NBC announced Tiger's return right before his return to the green.

Woods is certainly a sports marketers dream. He brings back the casual fan to his or her television set and his sponsors are licking their chops eager to launch their campaigns.

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